Author: Karin Bagnall Poage
Imprint: Book House Publishing
Pages: 88
Size: 5.5×8.5
Paperback: $14.95
ISBN: 9781952483592
Genre: Memoir
Against the backdrop of a worldwide pandemic, replete with a critical shortage of nurses, lack of personal protective gear, lockdowns, mask mandates, school and business closures, supply chain issues, second and third waves of disease, scapegoating, fear and frustration, a 24-year-old woman searches for the key to creating an independent, meaningful life for herself, off the family farm in Prairie, Washington in 1918.
This is Flora Johnston’s story, revealed in 18 letters written to her twin sister Nora, lovingly collected and saved for over one hundred years in an attic in Sedro-Woolley, WA, rediscovered during the COVID-19 pandemic.